
Sunday, September 5, 2010


I took this picture on August 20th. She'll be 6 weeks soon. The time is going sooo quickly. I've been a little distracted with life so finding time to blog has been more than challenging. I've had a lot of thoughts for a post but little time with two hands free to type. Often while I'm nursing the baby I'll type one handed quick responses on facebook or browse blogs without typing any replies. Mostly I just love to cradle her, caress her hair and that soft spot on her head and soak in this time. As I look at my 6 and almost 4 year old kids I am quickly reminded how fleeting this time is. Those little tiny toes and fingers will never be so small again.

cross posted from my other blog

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Really, I'm Not A Hippy

Not yet anyway. ;) Recently I've made some changes to the way I care for my home & family, {that could be described as 'hippy'} and finally got around to set up a place to write about it all. I have another blog where I've talked about my family, life & things I do for the last three years. So why am I here? Well the url address for the other blog is long and has bothered me since after clicking "enter" when I first set it up. And my reason for blogging has changed or at least expanded. I started my blog originally to keep in touch with family & friends after moving across state. While that is still fun, I hope to share my experiences & inspiration with more people. Besides, I've had this itch to move so moving my blog will have to satisfy for now.

I want to let you know up front that I don't consider myself extra-ordinary, nothing I do is something that others can't and most wasn't my idea to begin with. My home & life are far from perfect, like others I strive to make the best home I can for my family and have some fun along the way. My life as it is today is far from where I want it to be but we all start somewhere right?