
Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Painted {Pearls}

I can't give 'pearls' to one daughter and not the other. But I did change it up a little bit. Her shirt has one bow & it's at the top of the shirt instead of two at the bottom. The shirt is gathered in the middle which made the pearls closer to the neckline tricky to tackle so don't look too closely. Click here to see my tutorial of sorts.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Shirt with Painted {Pearls}

I still have laundry to fold. But I've checked another project off of my list. Note to self, write list. I saw a tutorial for embellishing a plain onsie some months back, lost track of it and forgot about the idea. Until the other day when I saw a similar tutorial for embellishing a plain t-shirt at My Own Road. Isn't that cute? And simple enough right?

My daughter was excited and waited very {im}patiently nearly all day long to wear this shirt. Everything takes longer with a baby in the house. She was pretty happy with the result and so am I. And it only took her five minutes to get one entire sleeve wet goofing off in the bathroom. :sigh:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Sweater {Upcycle}

This morning Delilah napped long enough for me to get some sewing in. I ignored the dishes and laundry to enjoy the whir of my machine. Currently I'm in the midst of checking things off of my list. I still need to write said list but regardless I'm checking them off. ;) Anyhow, because I {finally} finished some Christmas gifts I chose a fun project that I've had in mind for a while now.

My husband stopped wearing this sweater {my apologies, no before picture} and I stuck it in my stash of clothing with potential. My son had a pillow with a train embroidery on it that was in good shape but no longer went with the decor in his room and he wasn't attached to it but my husband liked it on his recliner. A match made in crafty heaven!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A post of firsts.

This is my first subway art. This was my first project using my new Cricut. This is my first post {on this blog} that is not a picture of my baby.

Because my camera is on the fritz I only have this {crummy} cell phone picture of this project and none along the way but I can write out what I did and give you some tips I learned along the way.

six {&} seven



I have fun with Delilah's monthly photo shoot. I still need to edit the date out of the six month photos. Any tips? The bows, hats & headbands are fun to play with.

She still has just the two teeth on bottom but is working on getting two more up top. As you can see she is sitting up well on her own. She's also got the army crawl down and has fun looking for trouble. And dirty shoes.