
Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Shirt with Painted {Pearls}

I still have laundry to fold. But I've checked another project off of my list. Note to self, write list. I saw a tutorial for embellishing a plain onsie some months back, lost track of it and forgot about the idea. Until the other day when I saw a similar tutorial for embellishing a plain t-shirt at My Own Road. Isn't that cute? And simple enough right?

My daughter was excited and waited very {im}patiently nearly all day long to wear this shirt. Everything takes longer with a baby in the house. She was pretty happy with the result and so am I. And it only took her five minutes to get one entire sleeve wet goofing off in the bathroom. :sigh:

Quick Notes Tutorial
  • Gather supplies - fabric paint and varying sizes of circle 'stamps'. You can see I got very technical with crayons, a marker & a chopstick. You could also use actual stamps if you have them handy.
  • Lay out your shirt with a piece of cardboard in the middle so fabric paint doesn't seep through. Begin stamping your first strand of pearls. I spaced mine out a little too much. Using white paint on a bright/dark shirt will require a couple applications.

  • Continue adding strands of pearls in varying sizes and lengths until you think it's done. There's no rules. When I do this again I'll pay more attention to how the strands 'gather' at the tops as mine aren't really even but I guess necklaces don't always lay even do they?
  • After the paint dries {my paint said air dry for four hours, don't wash until after 72} set with iron & piece of fabric. I use a flour sack that I got from the dollar store to lay over the paint, then gently apply heat with the iron. If you'd like you can add a bow or two, or more. I really liked the look of one bow in the upper right corner but my daughter preferred two at the bottom sides of the shirt which was also cute. I almost put a third bow on and still might...unless it's overkill.

I can't wait to pretty up some more shirts with paint and bows. I won't look at a plain shirt the same way again.

Updated - I've made another painted 'pearl' shirt, click here to see it. :)

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  1. my 5 year old would love this! i've seen the tutorial before-thanks for reminding me. i've got to try it out for her. yours came out great-so pretty-love the bows at the bottom!

  2. SO precious!! I love that you did wouldn't have been enough with just one strand. This is a great girls would love to have their own. :)

    Thanks so much for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party. :) Have fun finding some new reads, and I hope you'll visit Serenity Now again soon. :)

  3. Thanks ladies! I will be finishing one up for my baby tomorrow.

  4. I will be featuring this tomorrow at Sugar and Dots!

  5. Glad you tried out my tutorial for the Rockin' Necklace Tee :) Your girls look adorable in them! I hope you'll come back and check out some of my other tutorials!


  6. Definitely Jen! Thanks for visiting my blog. =]

  7. I love this and have been to 3 Wal-Marts looking for white fabric paint...I think someone has gone through all of Wichita and bought them all!!

    Awesome project!

  8. hi Rebecca, would you mind if I posted a couple of pictures of your girls in the necklace tee's on my blog to show off what you made with my tutorial?
