
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Keeping It Real

Recently, I read this post at Not JUST a Housewife. I completely related. There have been several times I've read a blog and compared myself to the writer's home, decor, clothes, etc. There have also been times that someone has commented on how I 'keep it all together'. The short answer to that is, I don't. Just ask my husband. ;)

Most of my day's events revolve around my children and their moods and schedules. If the baby is having a fussy, clinging to momma day there's not much that gets done around the house or on my lists. After the kids go to bed I spend 1-4 hours cleaning dishes, folding laundry, sweeping, and cleaning up. Even after that there is often at least one load of laundry that still needs folding, one sitting in the drier {or washer if I forget}, many more that need to be washed and more dishes in the kitchen. And that's ignoring the big mess of crafting supplies on the table. Generally throughout the day the one space that stays clean is the rug because that's Delilah's play space. At least it was until she started crawling quickly and making a b-line for the dog food. Now she keeps us all on our toes.

There is a point to all of this, I promise. Like many moms I'm often overwhelmed with chores, needs of my children and hoping to use the restroom in peace at least once in the day. When I take pictures of my projects or whatever I'm sharing with you I crop out the mess with my lens, because who wants to see my messy table? But without the mess I wouldn't have much to share on my blog or in life in general. That doesn't sound like a fun way to live.

When taking pictures I'll try to remember to zoom out a little and share some of the 'real' with you. But first I'm going to clean the bathroom because that's a must before company visits. Here's a recent picture I took of myself wearing a pretty hair clip I bought from a friend who makes & sells bows and other pretties. And all of the 'real life' captured in the background. Full disclosure, my table looks like that on a daily basis.


Linking to:
 Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. I love it! I am all about cropping the junk out of pictures too. Maybe I will leave it in every once in a while to keep it real :)

  2. I am cropping out things all the time.. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day!! Anne

  3. thanks for keeping it real! cute post!


  4. With two kids I know exactly what you are talking about. It nice to know we are not alone :-)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!!

  5. BTW, I am following you now.

  6. Glad to see others crop out the mess too. =]

    Thanks Terri!

  7. haha love it.I love my counter free of stuff so those are mostly clean, but please don't look in my sink (LOL). I jsut can't seem to keep up wiht dishes.

  8. LOVE that! I think (hope) that more bloggers are aware these days of all the staging that goes on for photos. When I first started a few years ago, it was so discouraging for me to see the "perfection" out there. Thanks for being real!

  9. Heather - I love clean counters too! Sadly, there's one section of counter that has a strange magnetic pull for clutter. Weird huh? ;)

    Amanda - I hope so too but I know for myself looking at some pictures on blogs I have to remind myself of that or think "maybe they have a maid" lol.

  10. Just like my life! i love to see other girls who love crafts, blogging, and life in general! Reading stories like mine just makes me think I might just be normal ;-) I will be checking your blog often!

  11. Hi iMotylek! Reading about others' crafting obsession and clutter makes me feel more normal too. :)
