
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

National Craft Month {!}

Did you know that March is National Craft Month? Does this make you happy? It makes me happy. If you've been around my blog for long you've figured out that I love to craft. Crafting covers a wide range of hobbies. Sewing, painting, re-purposing, scrapbooking and anything that involves glue are all crafts. I like to do some of each.

I love making things. It's an outlet for me. I like quick projects that give me instant gratification but also enjoy projects that have more time involved, it's usually worth the pay off in the end. I love to decorate our home and repurposing or making something usually costs less and I can make it look just as I pictured, or pretty close. I love that my kids get excited when I make them something {most of the time} and that if something is broken or torn I can often figure out how to fix it. Crafting does have practical application, it's just not as much fun. Maybe one day we can share pictures of the useful but not as fun things we've fixed/crafted?

I've been crafting more lately, trying to catch up on things and start new projects I've wanted to try for a while. National Craft Month is giving me more motivation to get things done and try new things I haven't yet. My goal for this month is to post a crafty project each day. Several projects will be of things I've already made during my blog break and haven't shared yet. I also hope to have several new projects. Two are in the works today. With three children - one with homework, one not yet in school and one crawling all over the place I can only work on things in spurts and that includes housework.

I have something in mind for a giveaway and linky party at the end of the month if I can get enough followers. Any interest? I already have the giveaway item. It's something you'll see during this month and I think you'll like it.

Thanks for visiting! I hope you'll participate in National Craft Month. I truly believe that everyone has crafting ability in some form or another.


  1. who doesn't like a giveway. LOL. I didn't know it was national craft month, this is good I am working on lots of things. To bad none at teh moment are scrapbooking things. :(

  2. I didn't know it was national craft month! How fun. I'm co-hosting a craft blog link up today. You should stop by and add your blog.

    Thanks for stopping by for my magnet strips! Oh, and your giveaway sounds like fun.

  3. Heather - I haven't scrapbooked in probably a year...or more. :( It's on my list!

    Thank you for the invite Debbie!

  4. Yeah, me and crafts do NOT go hand-in-hand! But I will enjoy seeing what you come up with!! I wish I loved crafty things, but I think my problem is I don't know where to start.

  5. Hmm...that gives me something to think about. Thanks for reading. =]

  6. You know Rebecca I never really thought about repurposing as a craft. It's one of my favorite things. My house is full of old things turned new.

  7. See, there really is a crafter in everyone. =]

  8. I am LOVING your blog :) I totally feel the same way about being able to repurpose things and/or fix things myself, it's a great feeling to be able to see a problem (or a diamond in the rough!) and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT MYSELF! Very rewarding :) Can't wait to see what you post next! :D
