
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where Necessity & Creativity Meet

A few months ago I caught a special that Say It On the Wall had on their facebook page. The timing was perfect and I ended up getting a set of ten vinyl kitchen labels for half price. I couldn't wait to label my food and yes, I realize how sad that may sound to some. ;) I'm okay with that. I still need to collect more glass jars/containers for other dry goods but one day my pantry and cupboards will be pretty. You can see how I used more labels and store my flour here.


Having the rice labeled all pretty was great. But I still had to keep the bag that the rice comes in to look up the ratio of rice to water depending on my serving size needs. This was annoying & cluttered my cabinet which defeated the whole point of labeling canisters. I finally got my hands on some vinyl to try out with my Cricut and an idea was born.


I have the smaller Cricut so I can't cut anything smaller than 1" and my font is different and I don't have a fraction option but I'm still happy with how this turned out and it serves it's purpose. The S, W, R stand for Servings, Water, Rice. I used decimals instead of fractions to save space so 1.3 is 1 1/3 cup. I also put the cook time at the bottom as a reminder. Plus I was having too much fun.


They aren't on completely straight - that is tricky on a curved object - but I don't think anyone else here will pay much attention to that. I'm going to share this idea with Laura at Say It On the Wall because I'm sure she could make measurement labels like this for rice, oatmeal, pasta and other items people might want that don't have their own cutting machines or the desire to make their own.

Thank you for visiting! If you are here from Amanda's crafty cutter party {or have a cutter of your own} I have a question for you. How do you store your sticky mat so that it doesn't get dusty and lose it's stickiness?

Linking to:
Serenity Now Crafty Cutter Party

36th Avenue


  1. Cute idea, Bex! I never remember cooking times either!

  2. GREAT idea! I've had all my dry goods in mason jars for MONTHS now but they STILL don't have labels!! I have a cheat sheet inside the cabinet and I say a quiet prayer every day that no one moves the salt jar where the sugar one should be ;) My problem has been the cricut's inability to print small. Maybe I should just look into buying some so I don't have to risk the above scenario LOL

    Oh and I just keep my cricut/mat in the box when not in use. My house is so dusty that if I didn't, I would have a family of dust bunnies living on it within a week. If I'm in the process of using it for a few days I just put the plastic sheet back on or turn it over.

  3. That looks great!! I always keep the clear plastic on my mat when I'm not using it, and I also have a spare or two to use as back up. ;)

    Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party! Hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon. :)

  4. Haha, not sad at all, I've been collecting jars for cute kitchen storage and am still debating how I want to label mine. I love yours, simple and elegant, and easy to read.

  5. What a cute idea! I keep pasta and beans in canisters, not rice... this might put DH over the edge ;)

  6. What a great idea!! I've always loved the clean look of food in clear glass jars. You lables look great!

  7. That is too smart! I would never remember the ratios or cooking times without the bag:)

  8. Cute! I don't have a brilliant plan for storing my mat (my storage system usually consists of shoving it in the corner with the plastic over it) but I've heard that Windex and a baby wipe works amazingly to clean it off.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! :)

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog today. Your labels are cute! I'd be opening my cupboards all the time just to look at them :)
